What does it mean to be educated? Be specific in your argument and defend your position

Essay #1: Formal Argumentative Essay with Detailed Writing Process (No Research)Write a formal essay to address one of the topics/questions below. Although you may feel strongly about the topic, and it might speak to you as a person, this is not a personal essay, so no first-person allowed. No research; no Internet use other than to submit to the final assignment to Canvas/Turnitin.com or to look up words in a dictionary (for informational, not citation purposes).Follow all required steps of the writing process for full credit (and the strongest paper possible). Your essay does not have a required length; however, it should be fully developed and long enough to accomplish the above requirements. Please use MLA format for your essay. To formulate your argument, you must use logic-based reasoning and specific examples to assert an informed perspective about any one of the following topics. Convince your audience that your point of view is valid and based in logic and reason—not simply personal preference/beliefs.