meaning and hapiness

English 1+28: Essay 2 Meaning and Happiness PURPOSE: In this essay, you will do the following: continue to practice writing a college-level, thesis-driven essay based on readings and evidence; practice synthesizing at least two sources as you construct your own original ideas about the texts; receive feedback that will help you improve your next assignments and writing skills in general; have an opportunity to assess your growth from the previous assignment and continue to hone your writing skills. PROMPT: Write a thesis-driven essay of 4-6 pages (1000-1500 words) that responds to one of the following: [OPTION A] In her article “This School Focuses on Teaching Happiness, Not Math,” Adele Peters describes plans by a group of entrepreneurs to build a modern middle and high school in rural India that will focus on cultivating “happy kids” as its primary goal. How, in your view, would Frankl respond to this project? How do the ideas expressed by the school’s founders align with your understanding of Frankl’s arguments?[OPTION B] In his article “America, Desperate for Happiness, is Getting Less and Less Happy“, Ben Schiller points out that, according to a study recently published, happiness levels are falling for Americans, despite an increasing focus on happiness and a strong economy. Based on what you’ve read in Man’s Search for Meaning, how would Victor Frankl respond to this report and the ideas presented in this article? What would Frankl say is leading to our unhappiness, and what would he suggest we do about it? Using Man’s Search for Meaning, and the work of Emily Esfahani Smith, discuss why Frankl would say Americans are not as happy as they want to be, and how we can increase our happiness (or if we should even try!)Writing Instructions:●In the introduction of your essay, include background information that is relevant to your essay and leads to your thesis. Your thesis should take a clear position about the planned school in India from Frankl’s perspective, or the cause(s) of declining happiness in America from Frankl’s perspective.●This should be an argumentative essay using and analyzing textual evidence, not a personal narrative. Either option would benefit from the use of Esfahani-Smith’s work (“There’s More to Life Than Being Happy” article and/or TED Talk)●Conclude your essay with a wrap up of your main ideas, and a call to action. Your conclusion should help your reader understand why your arguments matter.●Use what we’ve learned so far about essay and paragraph structure to organize your ideas.
REQUIREMENTS: ●Essay should be typed, 12 pt font, double spaced, and have 1 inch margins●Essay should be 4-6 pages, or 1000-1500 words●Essay must use quotes/paraphrases/ideas from at least three of our class readings, one of which must be Man’s Search for Meaning.●Essay should follow all MLA formatting guidelines, including a Works Cited page (we will review this in class)DUE DATES & SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: Monday, 4/1: Thesis, outline, and first 2 paragraphs due (intro and first body paragraph) otyped, double spacedWednesday, 4/3: Full first draft due for peer reviewSunday, 4/8 by MIDNIGHT: Final draft due to Canvas