Media Analysis: Keystone XL Pipleline

Media analysis essay must analyze TWO forms of media covering the Keystone Pipeline; one form must be visual (film, TV, documentary,webcast); the other must be print (editorial, news article, essay, book.) Using logic and critical analysis, you will first of all summarize what each (visual/print) media has to say. You will then evaluate how effectively and accurately the media creators that you have chose convey the information. You will evaluate it based on reason and logic, identifying the use of ethos, pathos and logos with particular examples/illustrations, as well as any logical fallacies or inconsistencies in the information. You will also evaluate the work based on it rhetorical success, analyzing its unity, coherence, and relevance. You will then compare and contrast, synthesize, and analyze the point of view plus content of both forms with regard to their effectiveness and accuracy.