If a mediator were to act as the salesman making the promises and instantly breaking the promises in the video, would the parties be set back in their effort to resolve their dispute? Explain your answer 

It is imperative that a mediator not only articulates their role as the facilitator of the session, but just as importantly, a mediator vigilantly remains neutral during a mediation. Consequences of failing to do so could result in the mediator losing the trust of the parties involved, as well as the trust each party may have had in the process of mediation.
View the following video prior to attempting the assignment:
Negotiating for results
(Links to an external site.)
Links to an external site.
[Video file, 7 minutes 12 seconds]
In your initial post, please respond to the following:
M3D1 250 words
Question 1
If a mediator were to act as the salesman making the promises and instantly breaking the promises in the video, would the parties be set back in their effort to resolve their dispute? Explain your answer
Question 2.
What would a mediator try to do to facilitate the proponent of the deal to assure the business owner that his needs will be met prior to agreeing to the transaction?
M3D2: Proceed with Caution: Mediators with Professional Licenses in Other Disciplines (reference)
Can a mediator be put in a difficult position during the mediation if they have a high degree of knowledge relating to the subject matter of the dispute? If the mediator performs a function related to their profession, does that bar the mediator from continuing a quality process mediation?
In your initial post, please respond to the following:
Question: 240 words (reference)
Should mediators who are professionals be prohibited from mediating disputes that have a direct relevance to the mediator’s profession? Explain your reasoning
M3A1: Bridge Statement (reference) less than 60 words
Imagine a mediation where one party is clearly ready to talk, as they have not been able to remain quiet from the moment they entered the mediation room. The other party not only appears reluctant to speak, but when they do speak, they are quickly interrupted or quickly discredited.
Compose a bridge statement for the scenario provided above. Explain the content and purpose of your bridge statement.
Your bridge statement should be less than 60 words.
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