Merger between AT&T and DishNetworks

Each person will analyze one completed M&A transaction from recent times. I’ll distribute a list of these transactions, but you can change your assignment if you want to work on a company or industry of your choice. There are two main requirements from the term-paper: (1) an analysis of the strategic and economic rationale behind the merger, and (2) an analysis of abnormal returns, premium paid and the structure/means of payment. Since you are analyzing a completed merger, you may have some comments on how the post-merger company has done so far.


Please write a one-page Executive Summary. The paper should be about 15 pages long (with additional explanations, references and supporting data in appendix) and should address the following items:


  1. Brief history of the companies. Company strengths and weaknesses. Description of products, market shares, distribution channels, technology etc.  Discussion of synergy. [History of the company can be brief, but strengths and weaknesses should be described in as much detail as possible.]


About 5 pages


  1. Industry Analysis; brief discussion of changes in the industry around the time of the merger. Role of M&A in corporate strategy.


About 3 pages


  1. Recent history leading to the merger. [You should have a Table showing the important event dates and a brief description of these events. Please see Bruner, page 697-699 or Table 1 in the AT&T/NCR case-study]


About 2 pages


Standard ratio analysis should be used to supplement the discussion of strength and weakness. [See the use of ROE and P/E ratio in George Baker’s analysis of Beatrice.]




The following ratios are most often used by practitioners:


(a)      Growth Rates: PEG Ratio and 10 year or 5 year compound growth rates (CAGR) in Sales and EPS of the two companies prior to the merger.


(b)     Liquidity Ratios


(c)      Leverage Ratios:


(i)      Book Value of Total Debt/Book Value of Equity

(ii)     Book Value of Long-term Debt/Book Equity

(iii)    Book Value of Total Debt/Market Value of Equity

(iv)    Interest and other fixed charge Coverage Ratio


(d)     Operating Characteristics:


(i)      Total Asset Turnover

(ii)     Average Collection Period

(iii)    Gross Profit Margin

(iv)    ROE and ROA


(e)      Investment Characteristics:


  • Capital Expenditure as a percentage of Total Asset
  • R&D as a percentage of Total Assets

Most of these ratios are available from Bloomberg, Standard and Poor’s Industry Survey, or similar sources. You may also access WRDS for relevant information.


                   About 2 pages of summary of Ratios in appendix.


  1. Description of the deal, analysis of abnormal returns & premium

(a) Describe the transaction structure, mode of payment, and financing.

(b) Give your comment/assessment of the structure and discuss why this structure was adopted and whether you would recommend a different structure. For example, if it was a stock transaction with a fixed exchange ratio, then explain why no collars or options were used.

(c) Discuss valuation: DCF, Comparables, 52-week High, Sum of Parts, etc.

(d) Show announcement period abnormal returns, price run-up and total premium.




  1. Summary and Conclusion (about 2 pages)



  1. Sources of data for your research


Mergent database, Proxy Statements, Annual Reports, Lexis-Nexis, Analyst Reports, Moody’s Industrial, Utilities, or OTC Manuals, Moody’s Bond Records, Standard and Poor’s Company Reports, Value Line Investment Survey etc.