
each question needs to be answered individually one page per question in total a 5 page paper. all of these questions are supposed to be answered using a text called “The Great Conversation” 7th edition. Question 1:What is the project of metaphysics? How did the early Greek philosophers develop the issue? What were their enduring contributions, the diversity of their responses and the abiding issues that will engage the subsequent tradition? Question 2: What was platos understanding of the ultimate reality?how does he react to the sophists and monistic materialistic pre-Socratic philosophers in the vindication of his teacher, Socrates? How did Pythagoras and Parmenides influence his thinking? How does Plato dialectically develop an understanding of the good, love, justice and piety? How does his metaphysics ground and inform an ethical, political, and personal way of life? Question 3: What was Aristotles understanding of Ultimate Reality? How did Pre-Socratic thinkers, esp., Anaximander and Anaxagoras, influence his thinkning? What is Aristotles understanding of the unmoved mover? How does his metaphysics ground and inform an thical, political and personal way of life? Question 4: Both Stoicism and Epicureanism are “therapeutic” philosophies, in what way do they differ? what was the stoic understanding of ultimate reality? How did Heraclitus influence their thinking? How does this metaphysics ground and inform a personal way of life? what was the epicurean understanding of ultimate reality? how did Democritus influence their thinking? How does this metaphysics ground and inform a personal way of life? Question 5: How did Augustine and Aquinas adapt the Neo-platonic, Aristotelian and stoic understanding of ultimate reality to the Christian understanding of God and its grounding of a Christian way of life?