Microsoft Corporate Social Responsibility

In the recent research in regard to Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) multinational companies such as Microsoft, the company was rank number one in fulfillment of its role as a company of citizenship. Unlike other big companies in the globe, Microsoft Company normally releases its corporate social responsibility report every year (Dudovskiy, 2015). The report usually includes a detailed report in regard to the company citizenship programs and the various engagements of the company with the community globally. The Mission of Microsoft Company is to fulfill the needs of the people by fulfilling the company‘s responsibilities for the purpose of the people the company serves. The work will illustrate the various fields of corporate social responsibility the company participate in globally.

Corporate social responsibility of Microsoft Company for instance in 2014 was more than $ 1 billion. The amount included cash donations of about $119million while in-kind donations were estimated at $948.6 million in the same year (Dudovskiy, 2015). In addition, Microsoft also participated in charitable activities such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation which were founded by Bill Gates the company’s founder. The charitable activities were also related with Microsoft Company perception to the global general public the company serves.

According to 2014 report, workers empowerment and education in Microsoft Company was estimated to be part of the company’s mission. As a matter of fact, all the employees of the Microsoft Company working globally are always required to complete a report on training and standards of business conduct in order to evaluate the areas within the company that needs to be improved. In regard to labor and humans right most of the workers working for the company stated that they would like to continue working for the company because it respected their rights (Monrose, 2013). Over the years the representation of the minority groups in the society such as women in the company has consistently grown globally. In regard to environment, Microsoft has turned to renewable resources as a source of energy. It has taken it role to offset more than 600,000 metric tons of CO2 emissions.  In its operation globally, the company continues to adhere to health and standard. In conclusion, the company provides employment to thousands of people around the youth. As a result it has improved the standards of living for the people globally.


Dudovskiy, J. (2015) Microsoft Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Retrieved from:
Monrose, G. (2013). Microsoft Ranked #1 in Best Corporate Social Responsibility Programs, Continues Dedication to Citizens and Communities. New York publishers.