middle east

Go to Modern Middle East Sourcebook. http://www.fordham.edu/Halsall/islam/islamsbook.asp Go to the section “The Islamic World Since 1945” Read the documents related to the various Middle Eastern nations. Select 3 documents and use them to craft your paper. As always, remember the following: For each source analysis question, The source analysis should be an examination of the source, NOT A SUMMARY OF IT!!! Think about who wrote the source and why it was written. Who was the audience? What were the main issues, and how do they elucidate our understanding of an event or issue? What questions are left unanswered by the source? How does this source either reveal a problem or help solve an area of contention? Does the source represent a particular bias? How are these sources useful? To whom would they have been useful? Are they reliable? What evidence supports the source? What evidence contradicts it? The Source Analysis Assignments are meant to build your skills analyzing primary sources and relating them to their historical context. You will learn about the historical context from the materials on our course site and your textbooks. You do not need to consult any outside sources – in fact, you SHOULD NOT consult outside sources. Please do not submit chunks of quotations from the primary sources – at best you should use only little snippets of 4-5 words interwoven into your own sentences. (NOTE: keep quotations to a minimum – 10% or less of the total essay – and make sure to cite appropriately, i.e. all direct quotations MUST be in quotation marks). Do not forget to cite words that are not your own (citing is not just for direct quotations but for ALL information). Be sure to cite appropriately in your preferred format: APA, MLA or Chicago Style. Make sure your factual claims are supported in-text (through the citing format of your choice) in addition to a final reference list or