Migrants & Refugees Argument/ Counterargument


Watching the video, John Oliver’s main argument lies in the belief that opening doors for refugees would bring a country to a variety of positive factors, those that are carried by those refugees. His argument is also found in the belief that the media is only playing a role of revealing the 1 percent negativity of having refugees accepted in the country and that people from world class countries should not open their arms wide in accepting refugees. Because the world is in the fear of accepting refuges due to terrorism, he believes that no normal refugee would accept to go through the process of acquiring the visa yet he has no benefits to the new host.


He begins his story from a high level perspective of examination where he studies the more outrageous developments that have been undertaken in the migrant sector in Europe. He performs his investigation with minute help from most of the ‘days of our lives’ television show characters whom the audience did not think they would ever show on television again. The use of these characters and the use of a variety of clips to reveal how immigrants are treated in Europe catch the eyes of the audience.


As the video begins, his very first topic is the status of immigrants in Europe. He addresses the question on the status of immigrants and here he blows his audience away by how awesome his investigation into the lives of refugees is. Oliver is seen to be very funny when one agrees with him and becomes hard to watch when there is no agreement. He begins his show by not showing much respect to the opposition especially the media because of his raise of well-researched and solid points that provide a robust support to his position.


His second and most appealing point is hidden in how the public fear refugees. He says that ‘there was only one genuine time in American history where the fear of refugees wiping everyone out came true and we all had been sitting around the table celebrating’. He believes that with the new developments in the immigration sector, refugees would no longer pose a threat to the security of Europe because no one in his right state of mind will go through the process of visa when he has less efforts for the country. His second point lies in the fact that refugees should not be feared.


To crown his story, Oliver finds basis of the poor state of refugees on news coverage. He criticizes the media for leading the nation into refugee oppression instead of seeking to find salvation for refugees. He digs into the status of refugees from media criticism and manages to find a stronger mass support. Apart from the media, Oliver also points out government officials who intimidate refugees instead of fighting for their welfare. In his third argument, his topic sounds real and brings his audience into a real understanding of mistreatment faced by refugees.


In his argument, he applies ethos through playing clips of European politicians presenting a counter argument while refutes them. In using logos, he presents his audience with populations’ statistics as well as real life interviews that act as back up to his argument. In using pathos, he shows to his audience interviews of a Syrian young girl who is disabled. At this time, he makes jokes that go along with his argument making his audience laugh while also realizing that he is making a good and relevant point as opposed to his opponents.


Oliver succeeds in making everyone his audience. At some point in his video, he addressed the administration while pointing to the status of refugees in Europe. At other points, he looks at media houses, particularly with the reference of affecting the attitudes of the public pointing to the poor status of refugees. His video also addresses the refugees themselves and sounds a message to them with reference to their status. Lastly, the general public is also pointed at with the larger address to those living close to refugees and refugee camps. Everyone is addressed on how to ensure refugees live a well life in a host country and not to be feared.


The overall tone for his presentation is information, satirical and sarcastic as well. Oliver creates analogies with statistics and pop culture. Because of his profession as an English comedian, a television host for refugee crisis and a political commentator, he finds a wider audience and manages to sport his own position with lots of evidence. His tone is organized by himself and evident at first when he states his topic and later uses video shows and making sarcastic comments about the videos. Later when he uses counters to his argument, he manages to make a point from it and gets across to his audience.


He ends his shows with some kind of live studio audience and universal politician. He shows why his argument is the most logical compared to that of his opponents. He ends his show with proving to use why the world should aid refugees. He ends his show not with any particular reference to Europe because he handles Europe, but rather addresses the whole world encouraging them to aid refugees and not to fear them. Just like he gives examples to support his opinion on aiding refugees, he gives us examples and other life instances that would be appealing if only the world decides to give aid to refugees and not fear them.


I completely agree with the discussion of Oliver because he maintains a humane argument. He presents his arguments to his audience in a way that makes us feel like outsiders and draws us closer to what he means by giving aid to refugees. He narrates the status of refugees in a way that leaves us wanting to acquire the desire to help not only refugees but other helpless people who are out to seek for our assistance. He makes us also hate the selfish and cynical administrators who are out to prove a point because of religion.


He provides a counter argument that the administrators are just trying to make the situation less shitty by looking and treating refugees in a bad way. However, he still thinks that no one should live in a situation of fear for their family and yourself. In as much as he provides a counter argument for his discussion, he still manages to convince the public that it is also our duty to assist people who are in helpless positions and not making their situations worse than it was. In a nutshell, we should be moving the problems away from us and this means that we should protect the society we have struggled to build.

Works Cited

LastWeekTonight. YouTube. YouTube, 28 Sept. 2015. Web. 05 Feb. 2017. <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umqvYhb3wf4>.