Milgram’s Obedience to Authority

This assignment will give you an opportunity to further examine information on the Milgram Experiment mentioned in the chapter.

The Assignment
Milgram’s Obedience to Authority Experiment

Milgram’s Obedience to Authority Experiment 2009 1 of 3

Duration: (5:59)

View the YouTube video produced by the BBC found at

by copying and pasting the URL above in a new window or click on the title to this activity.

For this writing assignment, watch the video and answer the below questions in complete sentences in essay format.
1. Summarize who the participants were.
2. What was the purpose of the experiment?
3. What was the outcome of the teacher in this clip?
4. Finally, give your personal opinion on the experiment and people’s obedience to authority figures.

(*Note, you may use your text as well as the video to answer the questions).

Acceptable Length

Your written assignment should be a minimum of one page.
Formatting Requirements

Put your name, course and section number, and assignment title at the top of the document.
Use one-inch margins.
Use a 12-point Times New Roman font.
Use double-line spacing in the document.

To earn a top score, your paper should:Be thorough! Too often students don’t give enough information about their topic, which, in turn, limits them from getting the full number of points possible for their assignment. Additionally, don’t write verbatim what is stated about your topic in the textbook. Gain an understanding of your topic and state in your own words what your topic is about. You may want to seek out additional resources in order to gain a better insight of your topic.