Minimum of 4 full pages 5 sources required Books read in class: On The Bus With Rosa by Rita Dove, Fear of Flying by Erica Jong, and Pennsylvania Station by Patrick Horrigan.

Minimum of 4 full pages
5 sources required
Books read in class:
On The Bus With Rosa by Rita Dove, Fear of Flying by Erica Jong, and Pennsylvania Station by Patrick Horrigan.

Nelson Algren wrote that “literature is made upon any occasion that challenge is put to the legal apparatus by conscience in touch with humanity.”

How do you assess Algren’s description of literature, and how does it apply to the literature we have read throughout the course? How can literature challenge a legal apparatus and social structure in ways that conventional political commentary and advocacy cannot?

Make sure to include specific references to the literature of the course, but also feel free to conduct outside research to support and supplement your arguments.