mock research proposal on immunizations

Goal The goal of Get Write is to provide you space to draft your ideas and sections of your mock research proposal. Posting early in the week can provide time for your instructor and student colleagues to provide feedback that you can use to refine your work before you submit it for an assignment grade. Get Write Directions Post your initial draft by the end of the day on Sunday and provide feedback to at least one student colleague by the end of the academic week (Tuesday by 11:59 PM). Your initial post must include APA formatted citations in the body of the post and full references at the bottom of the post to acknowledge the your source(s) of information so you can practice APA formatting. Refer to the Get Write rubric in the course Syllabus for more specific information about requirements and grading standards. Get Write Topic This week you will identify a health issue or trend that is of concern to you that will become the basis of your mock research proposal. Remember to choose something that you are passionate about to make the mock proposal easier to do and more fun and meaningful for you. For example, are you concerned about the growing problem of childhood obesity? Does a family member or do you have a health problem that you want to research? Are you concerned about health management issues, such as the infection rate in hospitals or safety of alternative supplements available in health stores? Do you worry about the rising rate of type 2 diabetes in seniors? Your concerns are probably important to others and likely already have information related to the problem or trend. This week you will lay the foundation for your mock research proposal. In your initial post: •Identify a current health issue or trend that is of concern to you. •Identify and summarize at least one reference from a credible source(s) that helps illustrate a problem. The reference could contain data or a discussion of the issue and its potential consequences if it is not addressed. If you are focusing on a health disorder, information from a credible reference defining the disorder would be a great item to use in your post. •Summarize information in your own words rather than quoting information. Remember when you summarize information you must include citations in the body of the text to acknowledge the source of the information and a full reference at the bottom of your post. NOTE: You might find you want to focus on a health trend or issue that is also of interest to another student. Feel free to collaborate with others to brainstorm ideas and find potential references. Researchers do not work alone and you do not need to do so either, except of course you must write your assignments independently.