Moral Challenge

The topic for this essay is defining moral leadership. According to most accepted definitions of moral leadership, the following four conditions should be met:

1. The action itself is moral
2. The action is based on a moral principle (i.e., principal of equity, or duty to another)
3. The consequences of the action are moral
4. The protagonist’s motives for the action are moral

Your essay will demonstrate that Antigone, Creon, and/or Earnest Shackleton is (are)/is not (are not) a moral leader, based on the conditions above. Your essay will be assessed according to the attached rubric but note that I will not base your grade on whether I agree with your argument but on the strength of evidence you provide for your argument and the professionalism with which you write the paper. In other words, show me how you arrive at your decision and do so in a well-written essay.


Your paper will have a clear introduction that introduces the reader to the topic, engages the reader in your subject, and has a clear thesis that will be supported through the evidence of your reading and thinking as demonstrated throughout the rest of the paper.

The essay will be written in clear, concise, academic English and your assumptions and assertions will be supported by evidence from the text. This means that you will not assume that the reader has interpreted the text exactly as you have, so you will provide examples from the text that illustrate to the reader that you read the text.

All such support must be documented using the APA guidelines, including intext citations and a works cited page. Please refer to this link for information on how to provide this kind of documentation.