Movie Analysis Titanic

General Instructions:
In this 10 page paper, you will apply your knowledge of basic communication terms to an analysis of Titanic or a movie you feel comfortable with.
In general, you will:
1. Select a primary communication context (e.g., interpersonal communication.) that is reflected in a particular film of your choosing. Also, you will use several, specific terms (e.g., self-disclosure, relational dialectics, stages of relational development, etc.) that are related to your communication context.
2. Conduct scholarly research in order to fully understand your chosen context. In other words, you will find journal articles and use your textbook to help you understand and apply course terms in your paper. This becomes the evidence for your paper.
3. Lastly, you will define and explain the terms, and analyze how they are presented in the film. In addition, you will cite your journal articles and your textbook within your paper as evidence and support of your ideas.
4. Please note that you will submit two copies of your paper. You will attach one copy to the assignment posted in Moodle and upload a second copy to

Your main goal in this paper is to apply communication terms to
a film in order to demonstrate your understanding of these terms.