Any movie of writers choice

Paper # 2: Movie Review ENG 1110/MWF classes Dr. Leaf-Prince Assignment: To write a complex and critical review of one of the following: • A movie/film (over 1.5 hours long) • Three episodes of a show that are at least 45 minutes each Important: You need to have access to this movie or program (as discussed in class); you will need to watch it/them at least three full times while watching certain scenes as many as ten times. Length: 600 – 800 words Form: MLA—this includes page numbers and original title; your paper should be printed and stapled and ready to submit the minute class begins. Due Date: Wed., Sept. 30: Paper due at the beginning of class Paper submission and Works Cited page information for Wed Your final paper should consist of the following, stapled in the order listed below: • Movie review • Works Cited page (this page is part of your paper, so the header & page number continues on this page) • Workshop/peer editing sheet Important: Works Cited page info: Your Works Cited page will contain your movie (one citation entry) or program (with an individual citation entry for each episode). Research was not assigned; however, any outside source you use must be included on your Works Cited page. Document Format Example: See this page in Writing Commons: Here are the citation entry formats you will primarily need Film Title. Director name. Distributor, Year of Release. Name of Service Provider. Medium of Publication. Day Month Year of Access. Should include elements: Movie info: Director Primary actors Genre: science fiction, documentary, rom com, drama, adventure, western, mafia, horror… Year of release Main characters Studio Runtime Your Thesis: Evaluation/stance Your Analysis/Main Body: Plot Summary Try to point out a few positive and few negative aspects Key moments & scenes, esp as relate to your review Analyze how the moment/scenes support your thesis