Multicultural Teaching


As a matter of fact, there is no one best practice of teaching. Multicultural education is one professional area of skill and knowledge that should allow pre-service education programs for teachers in order to ensure that they nurture the student in appropriate approach of human development. Multicultural practices prepare the teachers on how to deal with the classroom diversity in the future. The schools systems have the potential to promote democratic society as far as the changes among the students within a classroom set up are concerned (Marquez, 2014). One of the greatest problems facing the America classroom setup is how to restructure the classroom setting in order to the needs of the multicultural students in the diverse society. The role of this work is to highlight the procedures which may be adopted in order to prepare the teacher on how to teach in a multicultural society, the skill, attitude and knowledge teachers should possess I order to teach effectively in a culturally diverse schools. Moreover, the work will illustrate the importance of a teacher’s professional development, the professional development the teachers find effective for learning ad the culturally pedagogy and socio-cultural theory important for learning.

The extent to which the teachers are prepared to teach in a multicultural society

The teachers need to understand that minority children in classroom are currently becoming more power and they possess the power to set the rules in the teaching sector. The regional and national demographic changes have led to increased number of students in the classroom. They should possess the right knowledge and skills to take care of the needs of students from all multicultural diversity in classroom. The teachers are trained on how to become cultural brokers and translators in order to be in position to mediate between students of minority and majority cultures (Marquez, 2014). By a teacher being a cultural broker, he or she would be in position to smoothen and ridge cultural mismatch hence empowering the students to succeed both socially ad academically in the society. The teacher should be trained on how to become reflective in terms of being empirical, observational, possess the right analytical skills, evaluator and in position to revise their teaching practices.  The teacher should be able to gain cultural competence. By doing so, the teachers would be in ability to work comfortably in multicultural settings and to interact harmoniously with students from a diverse cultural background.

Knowledge, attitude and skills required by a teacher in order to wok effectively in a multicultural diverse school

The teachers should always be prepared on how to provide quality education for all students from multicultural diversity. The teachers should be in position to facilitate cultural self awareness to all students, improve their cultural competence, cultivate their appreciation for diversity and be prepared to work effectively in multicultural diversity students. The teachers should always be prepared on how to deal with the socio-cultural consciousness. By doing so, they shall be prepared on how to understand the students’ ways of thinking, behavior and how different diversities in terms of language, ethnicity and class may be catered for the sake on all students in a classroom setting (Marquez, 2014). The teachers working in a multicultural school setting must always create a safe classroom environment, create a school environment where issues of cultural diversity are resolved in an effective and efficient manner, manage their emotions and feelings appropriately, provide the students with knowledge  of appreciating  the diversity and respect for the learning environment. They should also come up with long lasting behaviors and attitudes for honoring and resolving conflicts of cultural diversity in a classroom setting.

Benefits of additional professional development for a teacher teaching in a multicultural classroom

Pre-service professional development for teachers teaching in a multicultural setup would be that the teachers would be in position to construct a worldview and apply it to different groups of students. The teachers would possess the traits of effective cross cultural communication in a classroom environment. Teachers who undergo the training on how to develop a curriculum that is tailored towards the needs of all diversity students (Marquez, 2014).  Moreover, the professional development assists the teachers on how to control their attitudes and those of their students by ensuring that the students value the differences between them, celebrate their cultural differences and use cultural sensitive language. They are also able to respect their traditions and those of the students they teach.

Types of professional development a teacher regard effective for learning

A prospective teacher should have the teaching skills and methods which may effectively enable him or her to instruct the students from a multicultural diversity. The teachers should be comprehensive in nature in his or her teaching methods and strategies. The teacher should be informed on how to use the skills and knowledge on a diverse classroom setup (Marquez, 2014). At all times, the teacher should be able to assess the strengths, knowledge and abilities of the students they teacher. Above all, a teacher should be in position to differentiate the learning disabilities of the students in terms of cultural and linguistic differences. The teacher should be comprehensive in his or her teaching techniques for the sake of incorporating individual and cultural preferences in learning and cognitive styles in a classroom instruction. A teacher should therefore be able to assess his or her cultural competence, appropriate field experiences and have the power of multicultural infusion.

The importance of culturally relevant pedagogy and socio-cultural theory

The importance of culturally relevant pedagogy is that it enables the students and the teachers in a classroom setup to recognize the rights of the minority student. All the students in a classroom setup have equal rights to be taught in a comprehensive manner without any division in terms of class, ethnicity, gender and linguistic factors (Marquez, 2014). Social cultural theory is of great importance because it leads to cultural competence, ensures that appropriate field experiences are observed and all the multicultural infusion in a classroom setting is maintained.


Marquez, C. (2014). Preparing teachers for multicultural classrooms. The Journal of Educational Issues of Language Minority Students. Vol.14 (3), Pp.43-64.