Multimedia Reflection Report Project

Assessment Details
This individual assessment requires you to deeply reflect upon the theory delivered in INF30018 in order to create a visual ‘roadmap’ for your personal journey to becoming an effective IS manager.
In this assignment you will:
 Show evidence of self-reflection; and
 Develop and utilise skills for delivering multimedia presentations.
Multimedia Presentation
Your aim is to step your audience through your roadmap with multimedia (2 or more of these: text, images and sound), explaining what you see are important skills and characteristics of an IS manager
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and key issues you will need to be aware of in order to become a more-experienced and more- effective IS manger in the future.
Let your creativity run wild. Make your roadmap/story interesting and engaging for your audience. To create your visual roadmap, select one (1) of the following tools/formats (or you may select an
alternative after consultation with your tutor):
 Mind map or Concept map. Some examples of free open source mind mapping software include:
o Coggle
o Free mind o Xmind
o Mindmeister
 Animated Video
o PowToon. o Moovly
 Animated slideshow
o Any Windows or Mac image gallery/slideshow
 Animated PowerPoint o Recorded
Example guides are provided for presentations. You must consult with your tutor in or around Week 6 regarding your choice of tools/formats.
Written Report – (2000-2500 words)
Any references used within the multimedia project should be constructed following the Harvard referencing style. Please see the Harvard Quick Guide pdf in the Resources Folder in Canvas for further details on formatting expectations for Harvard.
Select a few weekly tutorial discussions which you may have contributed to between weeks 1-11. Discuss how the concepts covered in the discussions can be applied to your goal of becoming an effective IS/IT manager. For example, how can understanding the concepts of managing emerging technology improve your effectiveness as an IS/IT manager.
They must be fresh content which illustrates your refined understanding and reflection of the concepts and linking into Assignment 3’s visual roadmap. The reflections should support/complement your visual roadmap.
Your assessor expects that you will seek guidance on any uncertainties you may have in completing this assessment item to the best of your ability. We understand you are not a Creative Arts student! We expect that you embrace the opportunity to develop a new skill and explore a creative way of
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representing your path towards becoming an IS manager as you approach the end of your undergraduate degree.
Refer to the Multimedia Project Marking Rubric, ‘Important information on Assessments’ folder under Assessments and Resources section on Canvas and clarify any issues with your tutor and/or Convenor.
Don’t forget to keep a backup of your submission. If your assessment goes astray, whether your fault or ours, you will be required to reproduce it.
It is expected that all work submitted will have been edited for spelling, grammar and clarity.