Music Summaries

Article 1

Sorenson, Czech, Gonzales, Klein & Lachowetz (2008) performed an investigation on how music played an essential role in the lives of individuals particularly athletes. The purpose of their study was to fully investigate the effect of music in Division 1 athletes. These researchers manage to break through from the ordinary understanding of the effects of music in general life and look at music and its consequences on athletes and at the same time examine the relationship between music and sport from an existential phenomenological viewpoint. The study was made effective from 7 participants; 3 female and four male from NCAA Division 1 College sport persons. Analysis of the effect of music on individuals’ way thoroughly performed in this study through analysis of existing research and present research methods that examine music experience and its relationship in sports. Participants in this study were made to listen to music at least three times every week while they exercised. Triangulation methods were used on each participant to uncover the effect on music on athlete experiences while results were recorded. The findings of the study managed to discuss what is lacking in the field of sport in relation to music motivation. It was revealed at the end of the study that music arouses the perceptions of athletes, reduces anxiety during exercise and increase mood and motivation to exercise more.

Article 2

Agrawal, Makhijani & Valentini (2012) also focus on music, its effects and consequences on an individual but this group of researchers looks at the consequences of music on heart rate. What is the relationship between music and the heart? Does music have an effect on the heart? With so many studies on music and its effect on the brain and cognitive patterns, this group of researchers looks at the effect of music on the heart with specific reference to heart rate. To make it easier for the public to understand the effect of music on the heart rate, these authors dissected the research into the effect of music from two different kinds of music. Focusing on high school students, these researchers randomly selected their participants who were later required to listen into both sets of songs; slow versions and fast and upbeat versions for 25 minutes. This study concluded that fast music increased heart beat while slow music slowed down the pace at which the heart would beat. Thus the study concluded that indeed there is a positive relationship between music and heart rate; slow music reduces the pace at which the heart beats while fast music increased heart beat rate.

Article 3

Are there medical effects from listening to music? Is there something about music that can be used to transform the health and medical profession? Novotney (2013) investigated on music as a form of therapy. In simple terms, this research investigated on how music can be used to improve the health outcomes of a variety of medical client population. In studying the effect of music on health outcomes, a fundamental area of study for the researcher was in premature infant populations and client populations that suffered from Parkinson’s disease and depression. This research reveals the power of music in organizing disoriented patients. In Bartel’s case study, disorientation was conquered through the sound effects of music particularly the mode of vibration that was played behind every music. Unlike previous researchers that were only aimed at addressing the forms of relationship between music and the brain, music and heart rate as well as the effect of music on athletes, this researcher developed not only an investigation but equally a prescriptive and dosable therapy of music that could be incorporated in medicine protocols to cure certain neurological based conditions.