The need for cultural/creative organisations to evaluate their work to demonstrate the difference they make to people’s lives and society at large is now a requirement in many countries. Yet, many if not most cc managers see evaluation as a complex, challenging task. What, do you think, are the main challenges involved in evaluating the work of creative and cultural organisations? You can use an evaluation report if you want (case studies NOT be accepted).

First of all, this is resits coursework. i uploaded my original submit file and attached feedbacks indicating direction of correction. It is important that the content of the original is developed by feedback, not by rewriting it all. + ( needed conclusion part)

Secondly, • This resits coursework should be written based on these 12 sources and I will attach it
Belfiore, E (2004) Auditing culture. International Journal of Cultural Policy, Vol 10, No. 2
Belfiore, E and Bennett, O (2007) Determinants of impact…arts. Cultural Trends, Vol. 16, No.3
Carnwath, JD, and Brown, AS (2014) Understanding the value and impacts of cultural experiences, a literature review. London, Arts Council England
Cultural transformations the impact of Hull UK City of Culture 2018 (full report)
Hansen, HF (2005) Choosing evaluation models …. Evaluation, Vol.11
Nesta (2018) Evidence for good. How charities use evidence to boost their influence and impact
Nutley et al (2007) Using evidence. … [Excerpts CHs 1 and 2]. Bristol, POlicy Press
Power, M (2000) The audit society – second thoughts. International Journal of Auditing, Vol. 4
Richards, G et al (eds) (2013) Exploring the Social Impacts of Events. London, Routledge
Selwood, S (1999) Access, efficiency excellence…. Cultural Trends, Vol. 35
Shaxson, L (2005) Is your evidence robust enough. … . Evidence and Policy, Vol 1, No.1
Weiss, CH (1999) The Interface between Evaluation Public Policy. Evalutation, Vol 5