You are a new therapist in private practice with a client named Sally who has been deemed to be a “mature minor” during her previous visit.

Counselling Scenario 1
• Value: 15% of final grade
• Length: 3-4 double-spaced pages, APA style

Consider the following counselling scenario:
You are a new therapist in private practice with a client named Sally who has been deemed to be a “mature minor” during her previous visit. In discussing the issue which brought her to counselling, Sally discloses that there is considerable violence within her home. She further mentions that her father generally takes out his anger on her younger brother who is 14 years old. She describes that her brother is often physically bruised as a consequence, but that her father plans to move out of the family home in upcoming weeks. She expects that this will bring an end to the conflict between her father and other family members, and she does not want to potentially escalate the violence by having any outside agencies involved. You have only met with this client once before, and you have not discussed any of the limits of confidentiality with her.
Making reference to ethical principles, standards of practice, relevant practice guidelines and legislation specific to the province or territory in which you intend to practice, choose an ethical decision-making model and please describe how you would manage this disclosure and resolve the dilemma.
use subheadings to organize each step of the ethical decision-making process.