No Child Left Behind Policy Memo

Write to an education stakeholder (e.g. school official, organization, elected official, or state agency Head or Director). The memo assignment is designed to be a concise and efficient write-up of an education policy issue you will be developing over the course. This memo is designed to be no more than 7 pages (Note: Be sure to include a reference page, APA style.) and it should be written as a common memorandum. A memo (or policy memo) is a document that provides analysis and/or recommendations for a particular audience regarding a particular issue or problem. A well-written memo reflects attention to purpose; it is well organized; and it has a clear, concise style, and it advocates for a particular course of action or policy stance. It is not simply a summary of a topic or issue. You should have an audience in mind for your policy memo (typically a policymaker), and you need to think carefully about the needs and expectations of your audience. For example, if your audience is an elected official seeking analysis on a highly technical matter, you should generally assume that the official lacks substantial technical expertise. You will need to define technical terms and provide enough background about the situation you are discussing that such a “lay” audience can grasp your arguments. On the other hand, if you are writing for a technically trained audience, you will waste time and energy providing background information that your readers already know. Overall, the memorandum should: (1) identify the decision maker by role (i.e. governor, chief state school officer, chancellor, etc.); (2) in one page or less describe a policy problem associated within a K-12 or higher education setting in the state or national level; (3) describe and provide a research-based rationale for policy options to address the problem you describe; and (4) make a recommendation. Be sure to conclude the policy memorandum with a brief summary. Remember your Policy Memo should: • be no more than 7 double spaced pages (excluding references) • contain all key information in the first paragraph • Include the following: