Nurse Scholarly Activity Summary

In 550 words write about your scholarly activities participation outside of clinical practice or professional practice. Examples of scholarly activities include attending conferences, seminars, journal club, grand rounds, morbidity and mortality meetings, interdisciplinary committees, quality improvement committees, and any other opportunities available at your site, within your community, or nationally.

Answer the following question: who, what, where, when and any relevant take-home points.
Scholarly Activity Summary
1. Overview- Describes the scholarly activity that you attended/participated in, the target market for the activity, and the benefit of the activity to you.
2. Problem- What was achieve by participating in the scholarly activity?
3. Solution- Describes the solution to a proposed practice problem that the scholarly activity addressed and how it addresses the problem outlined in the previous section.
4. Opportunity- How will attending/participating in this scholarly activity help you grow
5. Program Competencies Addressed– program competencies that were addressed in this scholarly activity