Select one of the nursing intervention strategies found (Self-Care Contract: Involvement of all family members; Family Empowerment and Family Strengths-Based Nursing Care; Anticipatory Guidance and Offering Information; Use of Rituals/Routines and Family Time; Family Meal and Healthy Eating). Describe the major points of the strategy you select. Then, identify and describe a family you know who might benefit from the selected strategy. Identify why the family needs to develop this health promotion practice. Explain specifically how you would go about intervening with this family to help them with health promotion activities.
 Examples from the student’s practice/experience are
provided to illustrate the discussion concepts. The title of the book is “Kaakinen, J.R., Coehlo, D.P., Steele, R., Robinson, M. (2018). Family health care nursing: Theory, practice and research (6th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis company”
Reference must be no older than 5 years (2013-2018) unless course material.