How did Odysseus rescue his men from the land of the Lotus Eaters, and what does this say about the hero and his relationship with his men?

For each question you are required to (1) provide an informative answer and (2) provide a direct citation in the form of a quotation from the text in support of each answer.

In general, answers should be approximately 50-100 words including citations. Please keep your citations brief (no more than one sentence).

Example Question

How did Odysseus rescue his men from the land of the Lotus Eaters, and what does this say about the hero and his relationship with his men?

Example Answer

Odysseus sent two men and a runner to find out what kind of creature lived on the island. The rest of the men stayed with Odysseus on the beach eating and resting. After they did not return, Odysseus went to investigate and discovered that his men, due to having eaten the lotus, refused to leave. He states that: “I drove them, all three wailing, to the ships, tied them down under their rowing benches” (Book 9), and they left. Odysseus is a strong leader who feels personally responsible for his men and takes care of them. He neutralized the situation quickly, did not overreact, and no one was hurt. This shows strong leadership.


You provide an adequate answer to each question. (1/2 pt. for each question)
You provide a citation in support of each answer. (1/2 pt. for each question)

Assignment Questions

Note: Book numbers have been provided in order to give you a general direction of where to look.

Cantos 1-6

1. Explain the significance of the “dark forest”, the three different creatures that Dante encounters therein and his encounter with Virgil.
2. Why are pagan souls damned in limbo? Describe also the scene with the philosophers.
Cantos 7-17

3. Who is Dame Fortune and what is her function?
4. Compare and contrast Charon, the boatman who earlier carried Dante and Virgil across the river of Acheron (into hell itself) with Phlegyas, who later carries them across the river of Styx (to the city of Dis).
5. Compare and contrast Farinata with Cavalcante dei Cavalcanti. How does Dante relate to each man?
6. At some point, Dante and Virgil encounter a group of Centaurs. Describe the scene that unfolds.
Cantos 18-30

7. How does Dante depict the grafters (cantos 21-22)? What kind of people are they? What kinds of names do the demons in charge of them have?
8. Compare and contrast the damned Ulysses of Dante with the great hero Odysseus of Homer? Note: “Ulysses” is the Latin translation of the Greek name “Odysseus”.
Cantos 30-34

9. How did Ugolino and his sons die in Pisa? Explain.
10. What does the lowest part of Hell look like? How is it an appropriate place for punishing the sinners who are found there?