Op-Ed about the American Red Cross and it′s reactions to recent disasters. The piece should make a clear argument about why the American Red Cross is not achieving one or more of its stated goals. 800-1000 words

In order to facilitate practical application of the literature covered in the first portion of
the class, write an 800-1000 word mock op-ed on an international organization that is
currently in the news or that you believe deserves further attention. The piece should
make a clear argument about why the international organization is or is not
achieving one or more of its stated goals.
Although op-eds are generally opinion pieces, this assignment should make a clear and
concise argument, and be rigorously supported with reference to empirical
evidence. They tend to be aimed at a general audience rather than an academic
audience. You are encouraged to look at published op-eds for guidance, but your work
must be original.
Grading will be based on the clarity of the position taken, concise writing, well reasoned
support of the argument, and inclusion of concepts from the relevant literature covered in
the course. The literature that is relevant to each op-ed will vary. Op-eds do not
traditionally contain in-text citations. However, since your op-ed will be produced
within an academic context, please use footnotes or endnotes for any citations (any
standard citation style is ok). You should cite any ideas that are not your own,
including any reference to concepts learned in the class. You can cite lecture but I
prefer that you cite the original assigned reading whenever possible. Citations should not
be included in your word count.
The written assignment must be turned in as a hard copy at the beginning of class
on October 26th AND submitted electronically prior to the start on bCourses.
Please use a 12 point standard font and at least one inch margins and include page
numbers. Include a cover sheet with your identifying information (full name, email
address, etc.) and a word count.
If you cannot get bCourses to work or your printer fails you, please email a copy to your
GSI. When it doubt, be redundant in your submission of the document to make sure it is
on time. Late submissions will be penalized at the instructor’s discretion, with the
presumption of half of a letter grade for each day that it is late.