Your organization remains interested in your work on innovations. As a result, the president of the organization has requested that you provide a brief presentation to the board.

Scenario: Your organization remains interested in your work on innovations. As a result, the president of the organization has requested that you provide a brief presentation to the board.

Assignment Summary: This project will span the final 4 units of the course and will require that you create a presentation with 3-4 substantive slides and a script of what you would say while presenting the materials.


See the attached PDF for more details.


For your final major project in the course, you will create the materials that you would need in order to give a 5-minute presentation about an innovation you researched during either of the previous major

projects for the course.

These materials must include:

  • At least 3-4 substantive slides, not counting a title slide or contact slide
  • At least one non-decorative image that you have made, featured on one of the slides
  • A full script of what you would say during a verbal presentation

You may use any of the previous research completed during this semester in order to create this presentation.

Two ideas for how to structure this presentation are below:

Points to Consider

While drafting your slides, you should keep the following points in mind:

  1. Be mindful of font size on your slides and on the labels for any images. Remember that

someone would need to see the text from the back of the room

  1. Similarly, keep colors and contrast in mind. Would a viewer be able to see the contents clearly

from far away? What if they were colorblind?

  1. Do not put paragraphs of prose on the slides. Instead, think of the text as being like an outline

for your audience to keep them on track

  1. Your slides are visual aids for your presentation. They are not the presentation; you are. The

slides simply exist to support you in conveying your ideas.