organizational envrionment

Organizational environment can split two part of things which are external and internal environment, and each has the most important points that I learned in this class. The economy, Technology, socio culture and political/legal trend of external environment directly makes the company changed. For example, recently less employments but more people who want to get jobs and high development of technology make the company to follow laws like limiting number of employment and policies for machineries. The internal environment is composed to some factors with an organization including competition, customers, advocacy groups, supplies, and industry regulation. Customer, competitor and supplier components help company to sell more their product and decrease the cost of making manufactures. Industry regulation is a different factor compared general regulation because it is followed the procedures of specific businesses and industries. Advocacy groups helps to advertise companies from public communications, media advocacy and product boycott. Finally, the main important points that I learned in this class are that external and internal environment are well handled with many concerns in the company because organizational environment is affect for company performance, operations and resources.


  • Do you agree with the points made; why or why not?

I agree with economy, political legal trend and customer component. The economy is always changing that means company should also change their system; otherwise they will make loss and employees.  Without following the laws, the companies will eventually fall their business. Honesty is the best policy. Finally, I think customer component is a crucial part to increase companies substantially. Knowing psychological mind of customer is related to making company profit.


  • State specific actions you will take to incorporate these learning points in your work / career.


As international business major, I will take customer, competitor and supplier component to incorporate in my work. Many companies from all over the world are very complicated, but the key to solve the complication is knowing psychological mind of customer and competitor, and making connection with many suppliers. If I build my own international business in the future, I will base on those factors and grow my companies.