Organizational Structure and Goals

Suppose leadership in the organization where you currently work (or have worked) is considering changes to organizational structure—in particular, to the functional areas it currently has. Before making any changes, the leaders have asked several managers, including you, to develop a report that outlines the manager’s recommendations for three functional areas that he or she believes to be essential to the success of the company. Based on the recommendations of each manager, as well as the strength of each manager’s arguments and supporting references, leadership will make final decisions.

Use the library and the Internet to research functional areas of organizations and the purpose of these functional areas with regard to organizational goals. Use 3–7 scholarly or professional resources to support your writing in this assessment.

Although this is a report for executive leadership, format this assessment following APA guidelines.


Select the three functional areas that you believe to be essential to the success of your organization. For each functional area, describe the primary purpose of the area and then explain how that purpose works to promote and support the organizational goals.

You may choose to organize your report in the following manner:

Title page.
Introduction. Explain the type of organization the assessment is based on and its primary goals. Be sure you clearly identify the three functional areas you believe are essential to the organizational structure.
First functional area.
Explain the primary purpose.
Explain how the purpose supports organizational goals.
Second functional area.
Explain the primary purpose.
Explain how the purpose supports organizational goals.
Third functional area.
Explain the primary purpose.
Explain how the purpose supports organizational goals.
Describe the type of organizational structure best suited for the functional areas you have selected.
Conclusion. Explain how your selections will promote continued success of organizational goals.
Reference page.