oryx and crake

The Assignment:

You will choose one of the prompts below and write and an essay in response to it.  All of the topics are about the novel, Oryx and Crake, but they vary in terms of the type of analysis required to complete them.  See “Tips” below for more details.




  1. Analyze Atwood’s use of symbolism in her novel.  How do the novel’s symbols reflect and help to express a particular theme or perhaps multiple related themes?  Themes to consider: corpocracy &/or plutocracy, bioengineering and its dangers aka “science run amok” (where do ethics come in?), devaluing art & human expression, what makes and defines “culture,” friendship and love, human nature and self-destruction, family, violence as entertainment, etc..  Once you have decided on a theme, choose some of the images from the novel that seem to directly reflect, embody and make some comment on that theme.  Craft a thesis which sums up the message that you believe Atwood is advancing through her use of these symbols, and then perform a close discussion of those symbols and the action in the novel that relates to them in order to develop that thesis.
  2. Crake’s goal with the Crakers is to destroy the aspects of human nature that he deems most dangerous or destructive, and to create a species that will not be burdened by desire, myths, governments, religion, etc.  What does the genesis of the Crakers—their development from their days in “Paradice” to their journey out with Jimmy and their seeming deification of Snowman—prove about Crake’s goals?  What role does Snowman play in all of this? How does his storytelling (or mythologizing) factor into their development?  Support your analysis with a close discussion of the aspects of the novel that support your ideas.
  3. How does the setting of Oryx and Crake reveal and shed light on the dystopian themes of the novel (corpocracy, science run amok, the dangers of bio-engineering, the death of culture)?  Remember that setting involves not just physical location but also socio-political details.  Discuss the various details of the setting that reveal the dystopian world Atwood has created in her novel AND discuss how this setting is important to the novel’s thematic development (this should be the main idea expressed in your thesis).  What does the setting of the novel reveal about Atwood’s dystopian themes?
  4. Write a character analysis for Jimmy/Snowman or Crake.  Focus on trying to understand and explain for the reader the character’s primary motivations for his behaviors.  Look at what the book reveals about his childhood, his personality, his blind spots, his flaws, his desires and his motivations.  Oryx and her influence will probably factor into the analysis, regardless of whether you choose Jimmy/Snowman or Crake.  The goal here is to present a psychological portrait that sheds light on the character’s behavior in the novel.  You must have a central thesis around which to build this analysis.
  5. Premise:  It is roughly 1000 years since Crake’s Children set out from Paradice, led by Snowman into the forests.  With Crake as their Creator, Oryx as their teacher and Creator of all animals, and Snowman as their Savior or Prophet, the Crakers have established a culture of their own.  Write a story that describes this culture.  To focus your essay, create a main character and put them on a quest or in a situation where they are trying to learn their history.  What sorts of cultural and social developments do you think the Craker culture will make, given the lore of Snowman and their faith in Oryx and Crake?

Note that your goal here is to demonstrate a deeper understanding of the statement Atwood is making with her portrait of the Crakers and their relationship with our 3 main characters as well as what she is saying about the development of human culture.

  1. What comment does Atwood’s novel make about the role of art and self-expression in the creation, development and stability of human culture?  Analyze and discuss the culture in which Jimmy, Crake & Oryx grow up.  What evidence can you find that suggests a direct link between the devaluing of art & self-expression and the outcome of the novel?  What message is Atwood sending about the importance of art & self-expression to our identity as a group and as individuals?  (Variation:  Some suggests that Atwood may be using satire here.  If you think so, then focus on proving that.)


  1. This is an analysis, not a response.  It’s not about your feelings or reactions.  It’s about a shedding light onto the text through close consideration of some aspect(s) of it.
  2. Specificity is key to a good essay—offer examples from the text.  Discuss literary elements such as setting, themes, symbolism and the characters and their choices.
  3. Remember, if it’s worth quoting, it’s worth discussing.
  4. Be sure to use appropriate MLA citations and include a Works Cited page.
  5. Remember to use literary present tense:  write about the action of the narrative in present tense.
  6. If you perform ANY research—including accessing and using any online study sites such as Spark Notes—in the development of this essay, you MUST cite those sources and turn in copies of them.  Failure to do so is plagiarism and will result in an F.