PDVSA- A contingent liability to the state

Case study: “PDVSA – A contingent liability to the state”

What is a contingent liability?
Why did PDVSA default?
How did the government step in (investor treatment of the debt)?
How did the credit rating of PDVSA and Venezuela evolve over time?

Feel free to use graphs / tables / charts to summarize your findings. This should be presented in Powerpoint and should not exceed 10 slides, so please take some time following your research to think about how you would like to present the content.

Avoid overpopulating a slide with content (one message = one slide)
Less is more (too much text is cumbersome to look at)
Stay true to the natural flow of a slide (always from left to right)
Formatting! (ensure that all the content / graphs / notes / etc. are aligned properly. Messy formatting is distracting to the audience)
Shave the fat (information that is not relevant to the main message of the slide should not be present)
Source everything (ensure that your sources are reliable and/or up-to-date)