Perform a SWOTT analysis, placing particular emphasis on long-term trends affecting your organization and what your competitors are doing.

For the Week 1 paper, complete the following tasks:

Summarize key details about your organization. What does it do? Who are its customers, clients, prospects, or constituents? For convenience in this class, we will call them customers.
Perform a SWOT analysis, placing particular emphasis on long-term trends affecting your organization and what your competitors are doing.
Analyze the organization’s mission statement. Does it address the following core components?
Customers—who do we serve?
Product/service—what do we provide?
Market—who/where are our customers?
Core competencies—how do we provide or deliver our product/service? What gives us a competitive advantage?
Measurability—how do we know when we are successful?
Defend a new/revised mission statement. It should be a succinct statement of what the organization is, what it does, and who its customers are. Be sure to support why your revisions are an improvement to the current mission statement.
Submission Details:
Submit your plan in a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document, using APA style.