Personal Statement for Japanese Studies

Finding your own career path in life is not an easy task. Taking a look back, I can say I consciously found my own at some point in the 6th grade. Seeming uncharacteristic, I found attraction in Asian studies particularly in the Japanese world. This happened when I came across an interesting episode of the ‘anime Inuyasha’ that I considered intriguing and motivating to grown into an unknown category. A new perspective into a world that fascinated me so much was not unlocked. Even though I am a citizen from China, my passion for the Japanese Orient infiltrated itself daily into my activities. With so, my interest in their literature, I begun by reading James Clavell’s ‘Asian saga’ and my later interaction with literature brought me to a discovery of other Japanese writers like Eiji Yoshikawa, Haruki Murakami and Yasunari Kawabata as I slowly learnt new Japanese notions.

In my new interest, school work benefitted my new career because I developed the ability to produce more complex compositions through a higher integration of Romanian writings and eastern motifs. At this point, no matter the part of society I am looking at, history, arts and language are aspects that draw me to have remarkable knowledge of these cultures. I have chosen to study Japanese degree as I believe it will provide me with an opportunity to involve in a study that I am increasingly becoming a devotee. To prepare myself to pursue Japanese studies, I am teaching myself both the script and language and at this point I can say am at a point where I wish to take my self-motivated interest to the next level. Having to learn the Japanese language in an academic environment I believe would make me gain a higher in-depth in understanding Japanese society as a whole thus presenting me with the foundation required to work in Japan.

After completing my studies, I hope to be part of the JET scheme to pursue a profession career in Japanese studies. While studying in the United States, I enjoyed all A level subjects and it was during this time that I developed wealth of authentic skills needed in my graduate studies. As an intellectual subject, I enjoyed studying chemistry to acquire the rigorous analytical approach that demands constant core knowledge application in interpreting information and data. Contrastingly, critical thinking has also given me the chance to construct reasonable arguments both in verbal and written forms. Apart from studying literature, most of my time is spent on reading, playing combat spots and social work.

I volunteer at a local hospice one day a week and this experience has provided me with rich and new demanding experiences of empathy and clear decision making. At the hospice, clear communication is of much significance. Having these exceptional life skills, I have no doubt that I will increase the richness of learning and language in a new environment.  My decision to study Japanese will enable me fulfill my dream of living and studying in Japan and at the same time allow me sink in a culture rich in love and learning culture. I fully recognize the demanding nature of the course but as a conscientious, hardworking and determined student, I find fun in academic challenges. I am fully committed to reach my full potential in my future career aspirations and look forward making the most the opportunities University life provides.