Does personality predict people’s eating behaviour? with SPSS analysis – correlation and multiple regression

The practical aspect has been carried out , just need to write up the report . will upload the data as a document – using SPSS analysis correlation and multiple regression of the data needs to be carried out. in terms of the write up i will attach all files. that were used to carry out the practical to help with the write up. the results need to be examined to test the predictions.
2. TheReport
The practical should be written up individually as a 1,200 word practical report. This word limit includes tables and in-text references. The title page, reference list and appendix do not count towards the word limit.

a. Data analysis
You need to conduct correlation and regression analysis, then report the results in APA format. *
You decide what predictors you enter into the regression analysis. There are distinct approaches here that you can take:
1. Some argue that it’s a model you’re testing (i.e. the hypotheses you generated about whether the personality traits predict eating behaviour scores) so all predictor variables should be entered into the regression
2. Others (e.g. Bendel & Afifi, 1977) suggest that if p < .15 the variable should be entered as a predictor
3. Still others suggest that only predictors that significantly correlate with the DV should be entered

Any of these approaches is fine, but you need to do a correlation and regression with an explanation of which predictor variables were entered into the regression and why . I will upload the handbook which has details of the assignment brief. If no predictors correlate significantly with the DV:
• Report the correlations, include a correlation matrix (see PY2244 week 5)
• Include ALL the predictor variables in a regression model and report as
per PY2244 week 6.

The qualtrics guide we used to carry out the questionnaire i will upload too which will help with the write up. everything is submitted down below.

A presentation and a guide on how to carry out the practical
a presentation on how to write up the report and details on SPSS analysis. SPSS analysis is vital here so please get someone who has knowledge of SPSS. ( a previous writer did not get the SPSS part of my report right on
another assignment)
also the practical write up handbook is attached.

Latest revision comment4/2/19 10:10am
It is all wrong 🙁 thr assignment was to do with the big five and ffq . Nothing else . The participants were university students. All this information ks copied from another study online . It does not match my assignment at all . What a mess