Persuasive Essay on Meal delivery services helping the working parent

-Persuasive Essay aimed at working parents and why they should use a meal delivery service
-Teas style paragraphs
-2-3 Quotes starting with signal phrases
-Using Pathos, Legos and Ethos
-2-3 sources to back up my argument
-audience: working parents-paper needs to be directed at them-persuading them meal delivery services are the way to help with their busy schedules
-Paper cannot go back and forth it needs to be persuading the working parent.
-Audience-working parents
-need to persuade with emotion, character and research,
essay needs to make the audience-the working parent to trust me. Need facts, proper grammar, transitions, two to three quotes STARTING with signal phrases.
-Graded on Persuasian
-Clarity and organization of the paper
-needs to have emotion-make the audience feel what you are persuading
-Language appropriate for the working parent
– needs to sound sincere
-when talking about myself-needs to sound sincere-
uploaded story-please change the wording and make it more readable
-vivid descriptions
-add a human element-in my shoes
-concrete emotionally
-Need interesting memorable facts-stick in the readers mind (the working parent)
-needs to show authority while being humble and sincere
-In text proper citation