Placement Report – Fashion & Marketing

This is a placement report in the fashion design and marketing fields.

In the attachments,
1. is the requirements – I only need you to write approx. 1650 words including figures and photos (such as online store photos, SWOT/GBP, you can check the sample documents)

2. are the sections that I need you to write: those with triangle
to clarify, they are: section 2.1/2.3/2.4/2.6/3.1/3.2/4.1/6.1/6.2/6.3.
Please include the collaboration between the companies erdem and h&m. ERDEM ( embroidery brand) is the main brand I am working on.

3. samples: please include simple photos and figures as is in the sample documents

4. Please include the reference links in a separate page

5. this will be submitted to turnitin