Planning for Sustainability

Planning for Sustainability As the resources have highlighted, systems thinking can be an excellent tool for promoting sustainability within an organization, but that can only occur if the organization actively and intentionally engages in planning for sustainability. Take some time to search the Internet for organizations, both nonprofit and for-profit, that promote sustainable planning like the organization highlighted in this week’s Introduction (see below). This week’s introduction: ” The planet Earth, with its plants and animal life, resources, and beauty is an excellent example of a system. When in balance, the system continually recreates and refreshes itself. Without careful planning, however, the environment may become polluted, overused, and mismanaged, causing a clear disruption of natural cycles and systems. Individuals have become increasingly aware of the impact that humans are having on the environment, both in positive and negative ways. Careful planning is necessary to ensure that natural cycles are sustainable for future generations. One organization that is concerned with the sustainability of the environment is the U. S. Green Building Council, a nonprofit community of leaders whose shared vision is to make green buildings available to everyone within a generation. As part of the organization, a certification program examines “any building lifecycle phase” (U. S. Green Building Council, 2009). It promotes a whole-building approach to sustainability by recognizing performance in the selection of sustainable building sites, water efficiency, energy use, the use of materials and resources both during building and during operations, indoor environmental quality, innovation in design, and an awareness and education program. Ponder all of the different systems that are interdependent in creating one green building and how the careful consideration of each individual system is necessary for sustainability of the larger system to occur. Focus on sustainable business practices and tools. You will be introduced to the concepts of leverage points and self-limiting behaviors.” Select one organization of interest to you to research in greater depth. While it may be easier to recognize how for-profit organizations plan for sustainability, also consider and explore how other types of organizations engage in sustainability planning. For this Discussion, assume you have been hired by the organization you selected and are responsible for meeting with potential investors who are concerned about sustainability. Please complete the following: • Make a case for why your organization would be a wise investment in a two page response.