Please respond to each student with One Peer Reviewed Article.

Please respond to each student with One Peer Reviewed Article.


Van Woerkom & De Reuver, 2009 research addressed that fact that transformational leaders can be the predictors of job satisfaction among employees and predict high performance levels amongst international managers within the workplace although the research discovered that some individuals who are placed in managerial positions exhibit transformational leadership styles whiles others do not, which causes a decrease in job satisfaction.


The measure for the study is a self-reporting one and any one who has worked in addictions knows that a addict’s reliably is very low more so when they are in active detox. None of the measures are considered 100% reliable. Because there is no single perfect measure of craving, it is essential that researchers understand the limitations of each measure (Sayette, Shiffman, Tiffany, Niaura, Martin, & Shadel, 2009). My plan for the study is to run an ABAB type of experiment to simplify the procedure.


The aim of the research is to determine the impact of charismatic leaders in an organization and relationship between charismatic leadership and employee performance turnover. There have been studies on different typed of leadership, but few studies have been conducted on the effect of charismatic leadership on employee turnover. Danişman, Tosuntaş and Karadağ (2015) conducted a meta-analysis on how leadership affects organization performance.