Police Brutality in urban neighborhoods

Assignment #1- Annotated Bibliography. C, 4: D, S. 3 pages-

This assignment consists of identifying three (3) research articles that you plan to use in your introduction and literature review and summarizing the findings of the studies in a specified format. The research articles must address the social problem that you plan to study and contain a specific research question asked and/or hypothesis to be tested using empirical methods and secondary data.  The analytical methods used to test the hypothesis or answer the research question can either be quantitative or qualitative.  The articles must be germane to social work practice and can focus on such diverse topics as homelessness, HIV/AIDS, chemical dependency, sexuality, domestic violence and racial/cultural issues.  The format for the annotated bibliography is as follows:

The citation for each article must be at the beginning of the page for that specific journal article.  Therefore, there should be one (1) citation for each journal article. The citation should follow the format in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) most recent edition.


After the citation, there should be a summary of the findings from that particular research study.  The summary should include the demographic characteristics of the research participants such as age, race, gender, educational level, income and any other demographic characteristics that were pertinent to the study.  If appropriate, incorporate a study conducted on a rural or international population (rural and global UPs). The summary should also include findings that were relevant to the research question or hypothesis(es).  These should include any statistical analyses in a quantitative research study and narrative descriptions of the findings in a qualitative research study.  The summary should also include the conclusions the researcher drew from the study.

Finally, the annotated bibliography should include your critical evaluation of the research study.

You should be especially mindful of whether or not the study seems to contain outstanding biases, incorporated ethical safeguards and principled decisions, and your feelings about the utility (usefulness) of the study in advancing social work practice.


Every paper should contain a cover page and be free of spelling and grammatical errors.

The page length for the annotated bibliography should be no more than one (1) page per article.

The citation should follow APA style and the summary of the findings and your evaluation

should be single-spaced.


You should select one (1) out of the three articles to present in class.  This assignment will prepare you to do your introduction and literature review sections.


Note: For assistance with this and other assignments, you may want to log on to owl.english.purdue.edu/owl or search for Purdue University online writing lab (OWL). You may also contact Mr. Davis in the DSU library. There is also a sample of an annotated bibliography on the DSU library’s web site.  Graduate quality work is expected for this and all other assignments. Any lingering questions should be directed to your instructor in a timely manner.(Do not wait until days before the assignment is due to meet with the instructor.)

A sample provided by a former student will be provided in class and placed on Bb.