Police integrity

  1. Police integrity
  2. Tackle and discipline minor offenses so officers learn that major offenses will be disciplined too.
  3. Rotate officer assignments to discourage the formation of bonds that lead officers to cover up the misbehavior of others.
  4. Create open and accessible citizen complaint procedures.
  5. Give citizens thorough and detailed information on how to file a complaint against a police officer.
  6. Create pathways that give citizens relevant tools, to engage, contribute and participate in their governments.

III. Create official corruption units.

  1. Consists of a combination of prosecutors, investigators, and paralegals.
  2. This unit should work with the district attorney’s office and should be authorized to investigate the corruption of any public official including police officers and maintain a relationship with police departments’ internal affairs bureaus.
    Upon discovering evidence of police corruption, they should attempt to discover the                                 extent of  the corruption within particular units and/or the entire organization by turning                         corrupt police into undercover “spies” in order to collect evidence as the extent of                                       corruption and use them in courtroom prosecution.
  3. Create early intervention computerized databases.
  4. Used to collect detailed information on police behavior and practices.
    (e.g, the number of vehicles they stop, the race and sex of the citizens they stop to                                       question, the number of complaints made against them, the nature of the complaints etc.)
  5. Information should be monitored and evaluated internally for any possible patterns of misconduct by police.
  6. Use the power of technology to build active and continuous exchanges between key stakeholders: government, citizens, business, civil society group, media etc.


  1. Create professionalism within the police.
  2. Police departments should become more selective in the hiring process/ have a preference for applicants with college degrees.
    Officers with better education and better training will be less likely to participate in police                   corruption and will be more likely to come forward and report such cases.
  3. Improve leadership
    Provide ethical leadership.
    b. Provide a written code of ethics.
    c. Provide training in law enforcement ethics.
  4. Better training from the PACT/ or just a new training.
  5. Retraining current police officers.
  6. Have a higher ranking police officer spend a month or weeks with a police officer.The purpose of this assignment is to make a recommendation (practical or theoretical) about the issue you have been researching this semester for a professional audience. For this assignment, you will be adding your voice to the discourse in the field by using the research you have gathered and your analysis of that information to support an argument and add your insight.

    You may rely heavily on the sources you have already read and included in previous writing projects for this assignment, provided that you are adding new insights about the data you’ve obtained from these sources. You should also conduct additional research or interviews with experts in the field, as necessary, to answer any remaining questions you may have about the issue that you have chosen as your focus. Begin this assignment by determining your position in relation to your research question (theoretical approach) or by recommending a specific course of action (practical recommendation).

    ► Be sure to address a specific, professional audience.
    ► Outline a definitive position or make a specific recommendation
    ► Explain your view and use researched support and analysis to justify your position
    ► Try to add new insights and contribute, in some way, to what’s already been said
    about this topic or issue.
    ► Suggest how your ideas could be implemented and when.
    ► Keep your audience in mind—convince them that this new theoretical stance is
    warranted or that your practical recommendation is a worthwhile venture for them.
    ► Refute those sources or positions with which you disagree, if relevant.
    ► Explain and support your position with thorough analysis and relevant research.
    ► Use a minimum of 4 to 5 sources.
    ► Cite sources according to the specifications of your field and include a references
    ► Use appropriate headings.