Policy Analysis

The paper needs to follow this outline:

1. Introduction, Social Issue and Context for change – (2-3 pages)
a. Introduction, title and summary of the chosen policy
b. What need/social problem and target population(s) does the policy seek to address? Provide relevant research/data to help the reader understand the need for the policy and who it was intended to help.
c. Discuss the context for change – was it driven by demographic or socioeconomic changes? By lawsuits or complaints from the field? Was it informed by human rights or social justice concerns? Describe the relevant historical and social context.
d. Is this policy part of a larger reform effort or was it developed to address a single issue? If part of a larger reform effort, briefly discuss the larger reform effort and how this policy fits into these efforts?
e. Explain why/how you chose this topic? What if any connection does the policy/ topic area have to you personally and/or or professionally?

2. Key elements of the legislative decision-making process. (2-3 pages)
a. When, where (decision making body) and by whom (author) was it introduced?
b. Summarize the most relevant parts of the policy (what it aims to do and how)?
c. Describe the legislative process from idea to enactment. Who were the key decision makers? How long did it take to go through the legislative process? Describe any barriers the policy took toward enactment.
d. What is the current status of the policy? Is it time limited?
e. Who are the proponents/opponents of the policy and what are key arguments?
f. What is the budget/fiscal impact for this policy? What resources will be needed to ensure implementation of the policy?

3. What impact or outcomes are expected and/or have been seen since implementation? (2 pages)
a. Based on available research, has the policy met its intended goal(s) and/or is it likely to address the intended goal(s)?
b. In what ways might/are social workers be involved in the implementation of this policy?
c. If the policy is already in implementation, discuss briefly what implementation has been like thus far, including any challenges/barriers to implementation. If it has not yet been implemented, discuss what is expected?
d. Conclusion- discuss the implications of this policy for social work, social workers or and/or intended target populations. In what way does/will this policy advance social justice?
8 pages
7 academic references