Positive changes for women

Each entry should be at least 200 words long, correspond to an article found on Global Issues in Context, have the address of the article you’re using somewhere in the body of the entry, contain a title, focus on critique rather than summary, limit first person perspective, be confident in the presentation of the argument, and be thoroughly proofread. Your article cannot be about the United States solely. You have to focus on places outside of the US for this assignment.

Basic three paragraph blog structure.

1. In the first paragraph, you want to give the briefest of summaries. Keep in mind that we’re writing a critique and not a plot summary. The summary is simply there to provide a foundation for your entry. If summary takes over your response then the purpose in writing has been subverted. Don’t forget to name both the author of the article you’re using as well as the article title in your introduction.

2. In the second paragraph you’re going to allude to your argument. You may want to use current events or what you’re learning in another class to contextualize your argument. This is the paragraph that gives direction and heft to your main position. At this point we’re almost there, building to the main point (the argument) of your entry. Sometimes your second paragraph mixes with your third; it simply depends on how much information you have to unpack.

3. In the third paragraph you give your argument. When you present this argument you need to be bold, confident, clear, and direct in your presentation. Your audience should know exactly where you stand on this issue. Keep in mind as long as you’re making connections between what you’re reading and the larger world while providing evidence, and backing up your position, almost any argument will work. You need to be thorough in your presentation! The larger issue the more “work” you have to do to show your audience that your position is valid.

In order to access Global Issues in Context we have a few steps we have to work through. You can access this service by follow