Practices in the Penal System

Complete an Enquiry-based Project consisting of the following three tasks:
1. Drawing on your learning from the module, produce a visual comparison of the penal system in the 1980s with what exists today. In doing so, you should consider
o The agencies active in the penal system
o The aims and purpose of the system
o Different types of practitioners and their roles
o Political, technological and other developments
You are asked to incorporate notes into your illustration/diagram or to produce an accompanying commentary to evaluate what these changes have meant for practice (approximately 1500 words)
2. On the basis of researching the websites of penal campaign groups, choose an area of concern or of positive practice in custody and/or resettlement and set out a proposal to support an existing campaign or create a new campaign. You may do this as a leaflet, a poster or a briefing that will recruit people to the campaign. This should be presented with a short written rationale linking to academic literature and research (approximately 1000 words)

3. Using what you know about occupational cultures in probation, write a thought piece on the challenges faced by probation workers in the post-Transforming Rehabilitation landscape and the nature of their work with offenders (approximately 1500 words)
A thought-piece is a personal reflection that allows to explore your own thoughts, feelings and perceptions about your practice and the organisation around you, but should still be linked to your academic reading and learning.
Format: 4000 word portfolio (your work will be marked up to this word limit only)

Word Document (nb task 1 may be presented as a separate powerpoint file)