Prehistoric to Western Art Google Art Project Assignment

This assignment will give you an opportunity to practice your observation, research, and analytical skills through a closer engagement with course content via online exhibitions. Students will tour virtual museums from a selected list and choose pairs of art works and produce a critical evaluation in the form of a 3-4 page double spaced response of 750-1000 words that assesses the form, content and context of the image pair, along with a comparison and contrast of the artworks. This assignment will build on the practice of close looking that you will be developing in class. For more on the practice of looking closely see:


STEP ONE: Go to the Google Art Project Museum Collections, browse and virtually visit:


STEP TWO: Locate any two works of art that you would like to bring into conversation with each other. The art works need to be made cultures we are currently studying. Keep in mind that that you will be completing a comparison and contrast of the art works based on FORM, CONTENT, and CONTEXT. As such, it might be wise to pick two art works that are comparable at least in terms of their medium, themes, or some aspect of their history. In other words, if you pick two objects that are completely unrelated, it will make for a more difficult assignment for you.


STEP THREE: Now, you can begin the process of inventorying the art works attributes using FORM, CONTENT, and CONTEXT to guide you. Look closely at the works. You may event want to make sketches. Take notes on your points of comparison and distinction, and make sure to consult as least one outside source besides your textbook from a scholarly source regarding the CONTEXT of your chosen object. For this, I encourage you to use the KPU Library for books and/or articles. You cannot use an internet source that is anonymous or unauthored, I will discuss this distinction with you in class. If unsure, please come see me to discuss.


STEP FOUR: Write a short final essay, sharing your observations. Papers for this assignment are expected to be between 750-1000 words and should be typed in 12 point font and around 3-4 pages double spaced. Pages should also be numbered and you must insert a jpg picture of both of your chosen art works at the end of the paper with a clear description for each with the ARTIST, TITLE, DATE, MUSEUM COLLECTION identified for each. Make sure as well to provide a bibliography with your outside sources clearly referenced.


STEP FIVE: Upload your completed document to Moodle by Wednesday, October 7 @ 11:55pm via Moodle.


Remember: Art history assignments are necessarily graded on form as well as content. While this is not an English class, sloppy writing and editing can result in a paper that is unclear and poorly thought out. Thus, papers must be well organized and clearly written. You can achieve this by creating a clear introduction that states what you will argue in your evaluation of your chosen art works, and develop the body of the response that supports your thesis, and your final conclusion. Keep in mind that a good outline (created before you even begin writing) and careful re-writing are essential for a good grade. Marks will likely be deducted for irrelevant material, excessive incorrect spelling, typos, and incorrect grammar.



Marking Rubric:


1-10 11-14 15-18 19-20
Level 1:

A limited mastery of knowledge and skills; below basic expectations.


Level 2: A partial mastery with limited to basic performance or expected achievement. Level 3: A solid consistent performance; demonstrated competency of knowledge and skills. Level 4: A superior, consistent performance; beyond expectations.
Major problems exist. Minor problems exist. Minor issues exist. No issues exist.
The assignment demonstrates the author’s shallow breadth and depth of thinking about the works.


Disorganization and incoherence in thoughtfulness and layout.


Significant and many grammar, spelling and punctuation errors throughout.


The review demonstrates the author’s satisfactory breadth and depth of thinking about the works.


Some grammar, spelling and punctuation errors throughout.


Assignment does not include all expected elements.

The assignment demonstrates the author’s solid breadth and depth of thinking about the works.


Very few grammar, spelling and punctuation errors throughout.


The assignment has a professional look and feel.

The assignment demonstrates the author’s comprehensive breadth and depth of thinking about the works.


No grammar, spelling and punctuation errors.


The assignment has a professional look and feel.