Preparing to Develop a Concept Map

Preparing to Develop a Concept Map

       Using the Patient Assessment Guide in clinical:


  • Gather Clinical Data
    • Chief Complaint/Reason for admission
    • Obtain medical/surgical history /co-morbidities
    • Physical assessment data
    • Relevant diagnostic tests and Lab values (include dates)
    • Medications
    • Treatments
    • Patient/Family interview
    • Developmental/Psychosocial Cultural data

This information forms the basis for the concept map.



  1. Development of a Basic Diagram (Clinical Work Sheet #1) in clinical (handwritten)
    1. Conduct a review of the collected data and compose your clinical impressions.
    2. Record in the center box of the diagram (Reason for seeking medical attention: History of Present Illness (HPI), medical diagnosis/surgical procedure and co-morbidities/focus assessment). Around the HPI/medical diagnosis arrange the three nursing problems/diagnosis (two physiological (from two different body systems) and one psychosocial cultural) you have identified through your assessment of the data.  Nursing problems/diagnosis should relate to the clinical focus whenever possible.  Each nursing diagnosis/problem should include a related to (may be more than one related to and more than one secondary to).  Nursing diagnosis should be appropriate to NUR 105.
    3. List the supporting data specific for each nursing problem within each box. Make sure you include pertinent lab and diagnostic tests, co-morbidities, and/or medications that cause or contribute to your nursing problem. (Some boxes may have more data than others, and therefore you may need to change the size of the box on the final draft).
    4. Include one nursing goal/patient behavioral outcome (short term) for each nursing problem identified.
    5. Note any data that does not belong within a cluster within the “not sure where this goes” box.


  • Analyze & Categorize the Nursing Interventions/Actions (Clinical Worksheet #2 or on concept map) in clinical or at home (handwritten or typed)


  1. Identify and list the corresponding nursing interventions/actions to the previous page (page 1) nursing problems. Be sure these are the nursing actions that will help meet the goal set on page 1.  Reassessments should also be listed here.
  2. Nursing interventions should include actions taken to achieve the patient behavioral

outcome/goal including all medications given specific for the nursing problem as well as

any other nursing treatments.   Collaborative care-also include all other relevant

interventions provided by members of the interdisciplinary team such as respiratory,

dietary, PT and OT.  Nursing interventions should always start with an action verb

(administer…  teach….encourage….provide…..)

  1. Pathophysiology of primary medical/Surgical diagnosis: In the box or on a separate page

briefly (one to two paragraphs) explain the pathophysiology of the medical/surgical

diagnosis of the patient.


III.  Approval of Homework

Discuss and/or have the worksheet(s) reviewed by your faculty in clinical and/or office

hours.  Obtain approval for your three nursing diagnosis/problems and the one nursing

problem/nursing diagnosis selected for homework before leaving clinical.

Clinical Worksheet I and 2 (if applicable) become the outline for your Concept Map



  1. Final formulation of Comprehensive Concept Mapping (Homework) -Typed
  2. Using the concept map worksheet I and 2, complete the concept map for either a

physiological or psychosocial nursing diagnosis/problem approved by your

clinical faculty.

  1. Document the nursing diagnosis/problem with related to onto the concept map for

your nursing diagnosis/problem.  Document the patient behavioral outcome/goal for

each nursing diagnosis/problem.

  1. List all the actual nursing interventions to achieve the goal (including all medications

given specific for the nursing problem as well as any other nursing treatments).   Also

include all other relevant interventions provided by members of the interdisciplinary

team such as respiratory, dietary, PT and OT.

  1. Briefly explain ( one or two sentences) why/how this relates to/helps achieve

the goal for each nursing intervention.  This brief rationale should be based on class

content, the text or the evidenced based article you read and are submitting to support

this patient’s concept map.  Information from the evidenced based peer review articles

should be utilized in the concept map and referenced appropriately.  Any new learning

in the scientific rationale should be referenced.

  1. Each nursing intervention should have a corresponding patient response/Evaluation.

The patient response/evaluation should line up with the corresponding intervention.

The patient response must be accurate, and have specific data/results/date/time of

each response and should relate to achieving the patients goal/outcome.  The patient

response/evaluation from your clinical experience needs to compare and contrast the

patient’s response since admission/surgery and/or to the norms.  It needs to answer- Did this intervention help achieve the goal?  If not, why and how will you modify the plan to actually achieve the goal?  It needs to reflect critical thinking.  This is an opportunity to connect theory to clinical practice.

  1. Skip a space between each intervention.




  1. Evaluation

Summarize the patient’s progress towards the outcome.  Was the goal/patient behavioral

outcome met?  Why do you think so?  If it was not met explain why not and make a

recommendation of how the plan can be modified to achieve the goal.


  1. Relationship Summary

Describe the relationship between the nursing diagnosis/problem in this plan and the other

two nursing diagnosis/problem you identified on the Clinical Worksheet (one physiological and

one psychosocial)


  1. Assure all spelling, grammar and structure is at college level standards.


  1. Include two evidenced based peer reviewed research articles related to your plan of care when

submitting homework.

To earn maximum points, information in the article should be referenced in the plan.


Requirements for NUR 105


Three Concept Maps – Two physiological and one psychosocial with a score of at least 75% based on exams. Two physiological and one psychosocial concept map must be passed with a minimum grade of 75% on each to sit for the final exam and pass NUR 105.

Med/Surg. – No more than one concept map can be passed in the first Med/Surg. rotation. The concept map will be graded using the Concept Map rubric.  If you do not get a passing grade on your concept map, you must submit a completely new concept map on a different patient for a passing score of 75%.  The grade on the failing concept map with be added to the passing concept map to calculate the grade earned.  Each concept map must be on a completely different nursing diagnosis. See directions for Concept map handout and sample Concept Map on TB available on Blackboard.

A Psych concept map must be submitted. The passing grade for a concept map is 75%. Students will be given one opportunity to revise a map. Concept maps for psych must meet expectations before the next clinical rotation.  Students whose concept maps do not meet expectations will fail the course.