Some of President Kennedy’s advisors suggested he launch a targeted military strike against Cuba in order to eliminate Russia’s nuclear missiles. Ultimately, he chose a different strategy. What strategy did Kennedy choose and why did he prefer this strategy to a military strike?

Please read my question and instruction.
Case: Ned Lebow, The Cuban Missile Crisis, CIAO Case Study.

Assignment Questions:

Some of President Kennedy’s advisors suggested he launch a targeted military strike against Cuba in order to eliminate Russia’s nuclear missiles. Ultimately, he chose a different strategy. What strategy did Kennedy choose and why did he prefer this strategy to a military strike? (Hint: assume that Kennedy, like all politicians, wanted to be re-elected.)

You are free to use whatever outside sources are available to answer the short-paper questions. Note, there are good and bad sources of information on the internet. Some of the best sources for current international reporting are the major newspapers: the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, the Financial Times, and the Guardian. In addition, the Economist has excellent coverage on a wide range of countries and international events. For more in-d epth analyses see Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, the New Yorker, and the Atlantic. You should be familiar with all of these sources and be reading extensively about a particular event before writing your memos.

Memos must follow all conventions of attribution and notation. Quotes and paraphrasing must be explicitly cited.