PRIMARY TOPIC: The War Relocation Authority and the Incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II. SECONDARY TOPIC: Stephen C. Fox, “General John DeWitt and Proposed Internment of German and Italian Aliens during World War II”

The final project paper should follow these formatting guidelines: 4 to 5 pages, double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and citations in APA or Turabian style format. You will choose from several preselected topics and resources in the folder below to complete your final project paper. Click on the attached document above to review the grading rubric for this assignment. Your paper will investigate the role of your particular topic in shaping contemporary issues, problems, or realities. This paper should not contain your opinion on the events, but rather it should present a thorough analysis of the information and historical context specific to your topic using your analysis of the two primary and two secondary sources to discuss your topic. Look carefully at your sources as a whole. Do any of the documents provide conflicting accounts or viewpoints? Be sure to address possible reasons for this in your paper. Post any questions you have on this activity to the Final Project Q&A forum. Review the feedback you have received from your instructor on your topic choice as you develop your paper.