Principles of Markeing

1. Pick any product sold at a grocery or retail store – and answer the quesons
(6 pts)
what is the product?
what type of product is it?
is it part of a product mix or product line? describe this.
does it have a well known brand? describe the brand.
describe the packaging and how ‘protects’ the product as well as ‘promotes’ it.
describe where this product is in the product life cycle (cha 11).
Place (distribuon)
(chapters 13-14)
2. Two key processes of supply chain management are demand management and order
fulfillment. Describe each and why important to ‘markeng’.
(2 pts)
3. Pick any retailer and describe them. Are they independent, a chain or a franchise? State
who their target market is, what types of products they sell, what level of service at what
price? (2 pts)
(chapters 15-18)
4. There are five elements in the promoonal
mix. Describe each one with at least two
sentences each. (3 pts)
5. Pick any one promoon
and then answer the quesons
below – use the text to help
answer. (7 pts)
What was the promoon?
Where in the product life cycle is the product (PLC)?
Is this a brand known to you?
What was the goal of this promoon?
(Cha 15)
or product (benefits)?
Who was target market?
What type of appeals? Profit, health, appearance, convenience, fun, social issues
What was the media?
Any type of sales promoon?
Your opinion – was it successful?
6. Do you any see disadvantages to brands parcipang
in social media? What are the
advantages? Give at least three specific examples of markeng
done using social media.
Describe the markeng
and who it is targeng
(chapter 18). (5 pts)
Price (chapter 19)
7. How does the stage of the product life cycle affect price? State two products, where they
are in the product life cycle and the pricing strategy. (5 pts)
8. In this course, you learned about the connecon
between Privacy and Markeng.
In at
least 3 good sentences, describe your thoughts on this – your personal view. For example –
are you OK with locaon
tracking selling your behavior to markeng
firms if it sends relevant
your way? (5 pts)
Current Events
9. Pick any current event which you can connect to Markeng
and answer the below. I’m
looking for any type of current event and how the corporaon,
firm, business, government
agency, etc used markeng
as a way to deal with it or profit from it. Think United airlines
Reflect in ePorolio
Due September 7 at 11:00 PM
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dragging a passenger off a plane, Facebook giving personal data, VW rigging emissions
systems, NFL players kneeling during the Naonal
what is your source?
describe the situaon
or event
how does this connect to what we have learned this term? can pick from anything we
have covered. think about examples we have done in class. I am looking for how the
business (or enty)
used markeng,
or could use markeng
to change public opinion.