Professionaly: Imagine that you are in a job interview. The interviewer asks you to describe a time that you have had to solve a problem, and what the results were. How would you answer? (If applicable, please describe the quantitative methods you employed.

Why is the Texas MSBA the next logical step for you? How do you hope to develop, both personally and professionally, during this one-year program? (250 words maximum)

The texas MSBA is next step for me because

  1. The location can help me to find a job easiler
  2. The program is one of the best in the world
  3. The faculty are world-classed
  4. The thing is what I want to learn and have a high growth potential
  5. The school is target school for many employers.
  6. The school has a strong alumni community

I want to develop my programming skills and analytics skills during this one-year program.


Professionaly: Imagine that you are in a job interview. The interviewer asks you to describe a time that you have had to solve a problem, and what the results were. How would you answer? (If applicable, please describe the quantitative methods you employed.) (250 words maximum)

My girlfriend’s family is doing jewelry business. They want to improve the membership system. My girlfriend asked me to help her. After our discussion, we submit this plan to her parents.


The problem is that the company has a membership program but not doing well and the company did not benefit from it really much. How to improve the membership program.

Identify the problem: the rules of the program are not clear. Confusing. The incentive is not appealing. Hard to identify the real royal customers.

Resources: having a lot of customers data

Step: 1. Establishing a database system by using SQL. The database will provide a clearer map on questions like: which region has better return rate. What age of customers are most often come and shop. What is the average consumption power for different age level or other group of people.


Step 2. The company can apply data mining skills to analysis data to see any relationship between those features. Furthermore, the company can set different line for each level of membership. For example: one spent over $10000 could be diamond member, over $5000 could be gold member. The line depends on the results we have form data.


Step 3. For each level of members, find out what kind of products are most popular among them and send customized promotion to target customers. Also, to different level of members, the company should prepare different gifts or coupons. We can collect feedback and pick the one which is most popular in different age group or gender group.


The plan was approved by her parents and start doing well. So far the members number has increased by 30% and overall satisfaction increased significantly. The revenue increased over 15%.