Proj Deliverable 2 Business Requirements

1. Based on the initial paper (see attachment titled project plan deliverable 1). Write an eight to ten (8-10) page original business requirements document for the project plan using the template provided (see attachment titled business requirement document).

2. Describe the project including the following:

i. Describe the scope and analyze how to control the scope.
ii. Identify possible risks, constraints, and assumptions.
iii. Describe the integration with other systems and infrastructure. Note: Database and interface design, security, and networking should be considered.
iv. Define relevant terms that will be used throughout project.

b. Use at least two (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.
3. Additionally, you may create and / or assume all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment.
4. Procuring quality business requirements is an important step toward the design of quality information systems. Completion of a quality requirements document allows user needs and expectations to be captured so that infrastructure and information systems can be designed properly. Using the requirements document provided in the course shell, you are to speculate on the needs of the company. You must consider current and future requirements; however, assumptions should be realistic and carefully considered.

5. I have provide an attached example to assist in clearing up any confusion.

6. Lastly if you are considered for this assignment. I have two follow on writings that concide with this one and I would like to submit the following assignments to you in order to stay consistent.

Project Plan Inception
As the new CIO/CTO for the ZIDELLO technologies the urgency to become the leading provider in e-commerce services for our clients is clearly understood. Market entry is currently promising due to the massive influx of potential consumers having access to the internet, smartphones, and online shopping. With proper planning and implementation, The CEO’s vision can be achieved with proper planning and implementation. The revenue of the company will steadily grow over the next two years. The plan is to implement technologies integrated by a variety of providers during the development of the information system.
Background Information on the Company
ZIDELLO technologies is an e-commerce start-up company with intentions to become the global market leader in the provision of online services and merchandise. The online offerings will include hassle-free return of the goods purchased for consumers. The organization will provide business-to-business solutions to online shoppers of various products. The company has diligently addressed barriers to market entry and strategically positioned itself for rapid growth. The revenue generated by the company is currently $5 million and expected to grow to $30 million within two years. The number of employees will also grow from ten employees to thirty employees in two years.
Database Systems
The Oracle database will be used to store data which can be used as leverage relative to competitive sustainability. The company will utilize this database as it is being hosted by a cloud service provider such as the Amazon Web Services (“AWS”). Utilizing this will ensure optimal database performance, availability, access, scalability, security protocols, and compliance. The cloud-hosted database affords the company database monitoring, backup, and recovery during disasters to fit the needs of the company (Ranjan, et al., 2015). ZIDELLO will mitigate its risks by utilizing the cloud database which is secure, protected and private. This is essential since the database also stores the sensitive personal information of all existing customers.
Transactional data will be entered into the system by customers as they complete online registration forms. Personal sensitive data such as usernames and passwords, credit card information, bank account numbers, and physical addresses are captured with the online payment of goods and the delivery of merchandise. The billing information will be generated along with the customer’s information. Within the Oracle database, it will be easy to track transactions, and the maintain accurate inventory counts. The products sold by the company will be presented in an organized appealing way to showcase the products.
Systems Analysis
The system analysts will collect and interpret facts, identify the problems of the information system, and decompose the system in the different components. The aim is to study the system and identify its objectives. Our system analysis team will ensure the system is improved and that the different components of the system work together efficiently to achieve the intended purposes. The needs of the system will be identified by carrying out computer systems, designs, and the implementation of the information system. The system analysts after thoroughly looking at the system will redesign or recommend the necessary changes. This will give the viability or efficiency of the system within its architectural context and. It will also make it possible for us to uncover the available options for future business growth.
Network Computer Infrastructure.
The network infrastructure will ensure the devices are connected to and communicate with one another. The computers in the two-story building will be connected using Ethernet cables. The infrastructure will include networking hardware, software, services, and facilities. Some of the hardware, software, and technologies include the routers, switches, hubs, and bridges which will connect and forward traffic within the network. The company will require a DNS server that will translate the domain names to IP addresses. The DHCP server will assign IP addresses to the various devices connected to the network (Bello, & Zeadally, 2016).
A virtual private network (“VPN”) ensures a secure connection of the private network over the internet, which is an untrusted network. This allows the workers, for example, to connect to the local office network from any geographical location. The network will also include wireless access points that will provide Wi-Fi services. Firewalls will be placed between the internet and the local area network. This is designed to block unsecured traffic as it enters or exits out of the network providing security to the network.
Human-Computer Interaction
The Human-Computer Interaction (“HCI”) is the technology where the company’s computing system is involved in the interaction of the computer users and the computers. The HCI is an essential technology since it also allows the customers and the employees to interact with the computers and each other. The Human-Computer Interaction also defines how the employees will work using information technology. The computers to be used within the organization should be user-friendly. The computers will run on a Windows operating system due to its compatibility with most operating systems (Rautaray, & Agrawal, 2015).
During the implementation of the information technology infrastructure for the new company, computers must have the best interface. Simple interfaces are easy to learn by most standards. However, they may fail to perform some of the more complex tasks. The software that will be used to carry out the business operations should also be user-friendly. The computers need to be capable of reducing and managing the memory workload. Memory load management has to offer mechanisms which keeps track of the user input or choices. Better human-computer interaction helps to increase employee’s productivity by allowing them to execute tasks and accomplish organizational goals efficiently.
Web Design
Given that ZIDELLO is an e-commerce company, the website will be an essential feature that will assist with online sales. Ideally, the website allows ZIDELLO to become a part of the consumer’s consideration set when they plan to make purchases. Consumers can become familiarized with the website via marketing campaigns such as search engine optimization, pay-per-click, and various other social media platforms. The website will be designed with consumer ease of use as a top priority. Online consumers prefer websites which are simple to navigate as they make selections for online purchases. In keeping with ease of use approach for users who are not computer savvy, the website will be designed consistently and uniformly to ensure hassle-free navigation (Sharma, & Lijuan, 2015). The company will hire a developer with expertise in website design. All website pages will have the same style, format, and typeface. Consumers will have a streamlined experience as they navigate web pages with a sense of uniformity. The website is to be updated periodically to deliver current features. The website should improve the customer experience and encourage them to make purchases.

Bello, O., & Zeadally, S. (2016). Intelligent device-to-device communication in the internet of things. IEEE Systems Journal, 10(3), 1172-1182.
Rautaray, S. S., & Agrawal, A. (2015). Vision-based hand gesture recognition for human-computer interaction: a survey. Artificial Intelligence Review, 43(1), 1-54.
Ranjan, R., Benatallah, B., Dustdar, S., & Papazoglou, M. P. (2015). Cloud resource orchestration programming: overview, issues, and directions. IEEE Internet Computing, 19(5), 46-56.
Sharma, G., & Lijuan, W. (2015). The effects of online service quality of e-commerce Websites on user satisfaction. The Electronic Library, 33(3), 468-485.