Project Charter

Project charter is a form document which authorizes the commencement of a project once it is selected. It is sometimes called project initiation or authorization document. In the document, the stakeholders provides the go ahead and commits funds to the selected project. It reviews the critical parameters and conditions for the project and creates a detailed plan on how the project will proceed. Project charter is not always standard as it varies from one organization to the other. Therefore, the project charter contains several characteristic as show below:

Project authorization- The non-for-profit medical research center engages in research for diseases which are related to aging. The work of the center depends of sources of funds from multiple sources such as the individual estates, grants from corporations, federal government and the general public.

Goals and scope- The non-for-profit medical research center aims at preparing an annual report which will be used in promotion and marketing purposes. The report which will be prepared will be sent to various stakeholders in a move to target more high potential future donors. The report is of great importance to the institution as it would enable it to be in the same competitive position just like the other non-profit making organization which competes for funds and donations. The management believes that the report will be used to inform other stakeholders about the advances the organization is making as far as the research effort are concerned. It will also indicate the organization efficiency in using the donations and the funds it receives.

Deliverables- In order for the non-for-profit medical research center to get access to funding and donations it requires the report to be prepared to include pictures from different hospitals, a long term care facility and clinics which are currently using the research from the center. The report should also include testimonies various families and patients who have benefits from the use of the research conducted by the non-for-profit medical research center. The report will necessitate the use of printing, design and distribution of these materials to different contractors in order to obtain their cost. The project charter will ensure that approximately about five million copies shall be printed.

Business Case- The project charter will be of great benefits to the organization as it will enable the non-for-profit medical research center to capture more donors and funding organization. It will also be able to compete with other non-profit making organization once the funds are made available. With the use of the annual report the non-for-profit medical research center will be able to attract more stakeholders such as the patients, families and medical research institutes which will be in a position to use the research from the organization.

Project manager authority- Alexis is the project manager for the non-for-profit medical research center. He was appointed by the organization to be the project manager because she is the director of external affairs for a national non-profit medical research center. Her responsibility is to ensure that the report prepared enable the organization obtain more funds from the donors and also capture more stakeholders who will be using the report. She will determine the duties of every member and determine the number of copies to be printed.

Time Frame-  The board meeting was held on April 1. The project manager has been request to come with the project charter on the next meeting which will be held on May 15. The board demands the actual report of the project to be ready by 15th November in order for it to be distributed to the donors during their holidays. The center financial year is on 30th September, hence its financial reports are expected to be out on 15th October.

Budget Summary- The non-for-profit medical research center is in need of more funds and donors because it is required to print and mail about 5 million copies of its budget.

Project sponsors- The director of the external affairs for a non-profit medical research would be one of the sponsors, the board of directors, donors, patients families, medical institutions, marking specialists, editors, staff assistants and photographers. All these members will be in a position to sign the project charter as they were the main participants.